Search Tinder
profiles with AI, safe & easy.


Cheaterbuster provides REAL-TIME and historic results from millions of profiles. Get their latest activity now!

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Cheaterbuster is a tool that helps you search anyone on Tinder. It searches Tinder's user database to see if anyone (friends, partners, etc…) has an active account on the app.

easy search

All you need to provide is a first name, age, and location where they use the app.

last active data

Cheaterbuster then tells you if your partner has been active on Tinder recently and provides all information.

data profile info

See the location(s) where they are using Tinder, if those locations change, as well as Tinder subscriptions, connected Instagram accounts and more!

Search anywhere in the world

Cheaterbuster will show you...

Latest Activity

Learn the date of the last profile update or location change.

Last Location

Triangulate the last location.

last location
Profile Updates

Pics, bio, school, dating preferences, and connected accounts like Instagram

Created Date

Learn the exact date the Tinder account was created.

Verification Status

Whether the user has verified their identity.

Subscription Status

See Tinder+, Tinder Gold, or Tinder Platinum status.

users love us

Chelsie Wilson found out through Cheaterbuster that her boyfriend had logged on to Tinder the same morning she did the search….

The guardian

One survey found that 42 percent of the users they sampled were in a relationship… (Tinder called these findings “preposterous”) Nevertheless, Cheaterbuster works..

Vanity Fair

After searching for myself I was presented with a whole host of Rachels..I scrolled down a little, and lo and behold, there I was….


Emily Jane Fox was among the first to try out Cheaterbuster. She and her Vanity Fair colleagues found Swipebuster’s results to be 99 percent accurate….

abc news

Whoever invented swipe buster. I love you. I also love that fact that it was a dude ❤️✋🏻.

new york post molly (@mollylove89)

Cheaterbuster is the only AI dating app search engine. Verify if your partner is unfaithful—discreet, powerful, reliable, and instant.