Search Tinder
profiles with AI, safe & easy.
Cheaterbuster provides REAL-TIME and historic results from millions of profiles. Get their latest activity now!
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Cheaterbuster is a tool that helps you search anyone on Tinder. It searches Tinder's user database to see if anyone (friends, partners, etc…) has an active account on the app.
easy searchAll you need to provide is a first name, age, and location where they use the app.
last active dataCheaterbuster then tells you if your partner has been active on Tinder recently and provides all information.
data profile infoSee the location(s) where they are using Tinder, if those locations change, as well as Tinder subscriptions, connected Instagram accounts and more!
Search anywhere in the world
Cheaterbuster will show you...
Learn the date of the last profile update or location change.
Triangulate the last location.

Pics, bio, school, dating preferences, and connected accounts like Instagram
Learn the exact date the Tinder account was created.
Whether the user has verified their identity.
See Tinder+, Tinder Gold, or Tinder Platinum status.
A Powerful Tool for Catching Cheaters
Falling in love can be magical and thrilling, particularly in the early throes of it when we have a tendency to paint all the red flags bright green. Unfortunately, love can blind us from seeing things clearly.
If you suspect your partner might be cheating on you, where there’s smoke, there is often fire. The overwhelming majority of cheaters use Tinder to conduct their dirty business. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to find out if your partner is stepping out on you with Cheaterbuster’s Tinder profile search.
Our Tinder profile finder allows anyone to search for their significant other on Tinder without the need to register or swipe on the app. If you’re suspicious of your partner’s extracurricular activities, it’s time to trust the dating profile search engine, putting your mind at ease or sending the scoundrel packing.
Since so many cheaters these days are tech-savvy, a Tinder profile search is essential in getting to the truth. Take it from us, in this day and age, you need to know how to find someone on Tinder if you’re even just a little suspicious.Who Are You Actually Dating?
Cheaterbuster’s Tinder user search makes it easy for suspicious partners to get the answers they’re looking for fast. We can help you find your boyfriend or girlfriend on Tinder with our advanced name, phone number, and birthday match searches or even our facial recognition software. If you’re wondering how to find out if someone has a Tinder profile, you’re not alone. Thousands of concerned spouses, both men and women, take advantage of Cheaterbuster technology to learn whether they’ve been sharing their life with a trustworthy partner or a big creep.
You can bust a cheating partner in just a few minutes with a quick Tinder profile search. If you’re committed to monogamy and your partner is playing you, then it’s about time you know. We understand that finding proof of a cheating partner just might knock the wind clean out of you. But ultimately, it’s better to know now than see the evidence trickle in over the next few months or years. Our team offers the first and best app to catch cheaters and we can show you exactly how to know if someone is on Tinder in a matter of seconds. You won’t have to twiddle your thumbs before enacting revenge on your partner. It could just be minutes before you’re changing the locks and leaving your ex’s belongings on the sidewalk out front while you blast Beyonce.
It’s easy to search Tinder without registering for the app yourself, and you can even find someone on Tinder with photo recognition just in case they’re using a fake name.Get The Peace of Mind You Deserve
If you’re suspicious of your partner, you’re probably overdue for a Tinder profile search. Maybe they are actually working overtime, or taking a legitimate work trip. If that’s the case, you deserve to know they’re being faithful.
But it’s not uncommon for someone who has a nagging feeling about the status of their (supposedly) monogamous relationship to have their suspicions confirmed. Sadly, we see this all the time. That’s why we empower you to search with the power of a private investigator! Cheaterbuster has you covered. Even just knowing how to find out if someone has a Tinder profile can help you sleep better at night.
You deserve to be with someone faithful, don’t ever forget it. If you suspect your partner is being unfaithful, our Tinder search will show you in seconds how to search and find someone’s dating profile on Tinder.
Cheaterbuster is the answer to that nagging voice in your head, telling you that something feels off with your partner. Our Tinder profile search can help you get a good night's sleep and peace of mind. If your partner is being shady, it’s high time you found out about it so you can get closure and move on with your life without being dragged down by your toxic, no-good S.O., Cheaterbuster is the place where you can search people on Tinder and know your partner is trustworthy.There Is Life After Being Cheated On
The revelation of a cheating partner can be earth-shattering, but ignorance in this particular case is not bliss. You can learn how to see if someone is on Tinder right now, with instant results and no fancy tech experience required. We are your one-stop shop private investigator, motivated to provide you with the truth: good, bad, and ugly. Our Tinder profile lookup is simple, cost-efficient (at $18 per search), and quick, helping to put your suspicions to rest or confirm the hard truth. We’ve helped many thousands of people discover the dark secrets their partner has been keeping from them and we’re proud to be delivering this instant service.
What you choose to do with the information our technology provides is up to you. On our site, you will discover whether the person you’ve searched is active, as well as the last time their profile was in active use. We encourage our customers to find solace in whatever our Tinder profile search reveals. The fact of the matter is, sometimes people cheat and the relationship tanks, and other times, it is something you and your partner can figure out how to work through together, building an even stronger relationship in the process. The only thing we know for sure here at Cheaterbuster is that knowledge is power. We want to show you how to look up Tinder accounts and be able to tell if someone you love is active on Tinder.
It’s time to take back control. Join us today at CheaterBuster and get the closure you deserve!
Cheaterbuster is the only AI dating app search engine. Verify if your partner is unfaithful—discreet, powerful, reliable, and instant.
Tinder Search FAQS
How Can You Find Out if Someone Has an Active Tinder Profile?
Cheaterbuster will tell you exactly when someone’s Tinder profile was last used, so you’ll have definitive proof of someone cheating or looking to cheat on the Tinder app during your relationship. They won’t be able to say “It’s an old profile” as an excuse.
How Can You Search for People on Tinder Online?
Tinder profile information is publicly available, but you can’t just browse it online without some help. Cheaterbuster is the original Tinder dating profile search engine - we wrote the algorithm! You’ll need a tool like ours to find it.
Can You Find Someone on Tinder by Phone Number?
Unfortunately, no. Phone number is not an available search criteria. Cheaterbuster is able to find people by their first name, age, gender, location, and even facial recognition when you have a reference photo.
Do You Need to Register for Tinder to Find Someone’s Dating Profile?
Cheaterbuster is the original way to search Tinder without registering. There’s no need to create your own profile and swipe yourself with hopes of matching. Find the person you’re looking for right away.
Is There a Cost to Use Cheaterbuster?
Yes. Searching for a Tinder profile with Cheaterbuster costs $18.
Can you Search Tinder by Username?
Yes. On Tinder, your username is just your first name. It’s one of the search criteria we use to help find a person on Tinder.
Are You Swipe Buster?
Yes. Cheaterbuster was founded as Swipe Buster in 2016, but we changed our name in 2018 to better reflect our mission, and why people use our service.
users love us
Chelsie Wilson found out through Cheaterbuster that her boyfriend had logged on to Tinder the same morning she did the search….
One survey found that 42 percent of the users they sampled were in a relationship… (Tinder called these findings “preposterous”) Nevertheless, Cheaterbuster works..
After searching for myself I was presented with a whole host of Rachels..I scrolled down a little, and lo and behold, there I was….
Emily Jane Fox was among the first to try out Cheaterbuster. She and her Vanity Fair colleagues found Swipebuster’s results to be 99 percent accurate….
Whoever invented swipe buster. I love you. I also love that fact that it was a dude ❤️✋🏻.